current project: j+e bedroom
the clients:
2 teenage girls, j+e (13 and 15 yrs old).
j loves purple. e loves blue.
j wants something happy, calming, and unique. e wants something chic, modern, and classy.
the needs: 

place to sleep, read, write, do homework, hang out with friends, play guitar.... basically a sanctuary for these two girls and their buddies to work and relax.
-TONS of storage. TONS. it's a small space for lots of stuff so it has to be really well laid-out to maximize the space they have.
-super budget-friendly design.
my color solution:
a clean, modern room with some classic details. palatte stays mainly lavender and denim with accents of orange and green.
lavender walls with a dark purple stencil accent wall (either the trellis or the quatrefoil shapes).
bring in accents of green or orange through artwork, plants, pillows, and accessories(not shown - these girls are artists; they're going to make their own art and accessories and i'm sure they'll be rad).
lavender walls with a dark purple stencil accent wall (either the trellis or the quatrefoil shapes).
denim and indigo textiles on the major pieces (bedding, closet curtain, and window treatments).
large doses of white on nearly all of the furniture, on the moldings, and in accessories.
bring in accents of green or orange through artwork, plants, pillows, and accessories(not shown - these girls are artists; they're going to make their own art and accessories and i'm sure they'll be rad).
my space solution:
maximize vertical space to free up the floor.

take advantage of high ceilings by giving them bunk beds.
create a reading/guitar/homework nook under the windows with cool lighting and artwork.
divide and organize the closet with closet doublers, boxes, bins, etc....
vertical storage next to the bed and storage on the wall in lieu of nightstands.
so... i'm presenting these ideas to them (along with the estimated budget) tomorrow. i'm excited to get their reactions!! because plan #1 is almost never the final plan - there are always changes and revisions made. so maybe i'll make a revisions board and share that, too.
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